Monday, September 30, 2013


One time I took the kid to the library to use the free computer and get away from the heat.

After I finished using the computer and I went down the stairs from the second floor. I saw a blind man also went down the stairs ahead of me with his cane and he drop the tip of the cane on the floor without knowing it. So I immediately fast fetch the tip and tried to give it to him. But he was so fast then I finally caught him when we both almost to the first floor.

I called him out, excuse me, sir, you drop something, and I think that’s the tip of your cane. And he took the tip from me and thanks me. Then he was shy and said something more, oh! So you were trying to catch me so fast for this earlier.

At that moment I felt embarrassed, oh! So that’s why he went down the stairs so fast earlier when I tried to catch me. Because he cannot see me, he can only hear the footsteps that I made. And I must scare him. He must think what on earth someone was trying to catch me for?

And I memory suddenly went back to around 17 years ago. I’m not a believer yet, why and how those church friends so urgent to introduce their savior to me. I did not just refuse them. In my mind I even thought, they must have some pressures from church or pastor. And that’s why they so progressive.

I was just like the blind man that I help. I drop something that was supposed belong to me, the blessings from GOD, and didn’t notice it. I even had the doubt to those who were so patient and kind to me and trying to help me

Now I thank them for not giving up on this stubborn young lady years ago.

If you were a believer, don’t give up spreading the GOOD NEWS. But just be careful about the way that you persuade the nonbelievers. You don’t want to scare them away only because the way that you’re trying to.

And if you were a nonbeliever, GOD is so good, that’s why your friends or family, they just cannot waste anytime to get what is belong to you back to you, the blessings, mercies, graces… etc. from GOD.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

high school musical 3

High school musical 3 senior year is a musical movie. Again I like musical performances.

Purse your dream; seize your youth while you’re still young and powerful. Don’t wait and waste what you have and regret later.

rabbits and tent

Yesterday I have the kid to setup our old tent, so we can bring the rabbit one by one inside the tent and play with them.

But it’s not that we were expected. First the rabbits still not quite like to be held by us. Second this tent is really old, so some of the black plastic materials come out very easy, it dirt both me and my son also the rabbits. And it’s very hard to get rid of them.


Yesterday both the kids have events to attend. At first I feel sad, alone again without kids at home. Then I start to pray for a lot of things, I clean the house a little bit, make some phone calls, and also make a plan about if they both will come home late. I feel ok and of course I always feel very happy about when they have activities to attend with friends.

Actually yesterday I did have an event to attend myself, but I refuse to go. I don’t want to leave them alone. That’s funny right? It’s ok to have the kids attend their events. But I’ll never want to leave them if I could.

left behind

Left behind is a Christian movie. I heard about it before, yesterday I was shown on TV, but I only get the watch the beginning. It was a shocking movie. I’ll try to find out when it’ll play again so I can watch it all.

It’s in Christian’s view point of the end of the world. Suddenly all the believers disappear and left behind of all their belongings including their clothes on them and their love ones. In this case they all went to heaven with Jesus.

Most of the kids and some of the adults were missing. It’s like in the bible says we should have a heart of kids, pure and no doubt.

When I watch it, my memory suddenly brought me back around 19 years ago. That’s when I’m not a believer yet. And also was pregnant with my fist one. My ex is very into church things, worship, service and everything with the church. I was so mad at him, not just that I thought when kind of GOD that you were believes in? You left behind your pregnant wife alone all the time for the church.

And now I’m a believer myself. With some other reason this marriage ends years ago.

I have no complained and still have the faith in HIM.

That’s how a believer should be very careful about your behave after your close family or friends know you’re a Christian.

Also in the movie after that many people were missing it create a huge mess and disaster. I’m not sure when a nonbeliever saw this movie what were they think about the faith? They’ll become a believer or leave this faith further.

not a fan 2

I finally get to watch the TV program not a fan from the beginning to the end yesterday. It’s just a short 30 minutes TV show. And I think the subtitle should be are you a fan or a follower of Jesus?

It has a pastor in the background telling the story. There’s a saying, often time we raise our child in the church, not in Christ. And that’s why a lot of kids leave the church right after they graduate from high school and go to college. This is like a simple but real answer for our puzzle.

There’s a book called, sticky faith. It talks about the same question and answer for it. And there’re separate versions for both teens and parents. And that answer it all. And how to adjust our way the raise our kids, we need a lot of practice of it. At the same the kids need a willing heart too.

In that TV program, it’s a sad ending. The father raises his kid exactly the wrong way, which he thought that’s the right way. So there’re a lot of conflicts between father and son.

Often time the father will say to the kid, according to which exact bible verses you should do or not do this or that. He try to help but using a condemn way and he, himself didn’t live out Jesus. That’s how his kid once he gets out of high school, he finally can have his own will to make choice, he leave the church and everything with it.

Of course that’s the most important answer but not the only one. But I believe that if we can live out Jesus. Show the kids how important and crucial to have this kind of faith in Jesus. They will be a followers not just fan or Jesus.

In the end of the story, the son try to tell him what‘s the right way to do and also forgive him. But the father somehow didn’t really accept it. Even when his son die from the heart attack, the father cry out to the GOD, say that I have done what you told me to why are you still take my son away.

macaroni & cheese

The other day my older son told me that he want to try to make macaroni & chesses. I’m surprised and pleased. And we went shopping for the ingredients that he needed. And then he made it for us. It’s delicious. I hope he find some other food that he want to try some other time soon.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


I don’t remember how long our new pet rabbits are into our life. I really enjoy having them.

So I still always try some new fruits or vegetables for them to see if they like. And they don’t like Amaranth. They really love watermelon skin and parsley. But they poop too much. I hope that they can be walked like dog. Then I can take them for a walk everyday.

the holy city

The holy city is an old hymn. And the piano accompany is so appealing. So I decided to join the choir to sing this song.

not a fan

Not a fan is a Christian TV show. I never get chance to finish any show. But really want to watch it.

I don’t know am I a fan or a follower or in between.

I believe this show must base on the really live story. It’s so real that happens in our everyday life.

If you got fired only because you don’t want to follow the company’s rule and the rules are not quite proper. When your love one get sick or die, will you still have the faith in HIM? When your life is threaten, will you still brave to say yes! I’m a Christian. When it seems no hope will you still keep praying and waiting.


Internet is very important and useful nowadays.
You can talk to and seeing people globally without meeting each other. You can do your job remotely without worry about the traffic. You can turn on or off some devices via it. You can buy or sell products without going to the traditionally stores. You can find a job.

But it does take up a lot of precious time, for example between your love ones. I really miss the time that I can talk or walk or watch TV or listen to the music or play board games with them. We can have the family time together.

Monday, September 23, 2013

65th Emmy Awards host

Neil Patrick Harris, 65th Emmy Awards host. He act, sing, dance and host. He’s really Versatile.

65th Emmy Awards

Yesterday is the 65th Emmy Awards. I’m really fond of this kind of ceremony. There are always professional presentations and gorgeous ladies and gentlemen wearing pretty dresses.

I cannot be there or wearing those attractive clothes. But I do enjoy just watching them.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

larry's country diner

Larry’s country diner is a TV program. I watched one of the episodes, and it immediate caught my attention. It is quite interesting live show. I like live show, because you can see how they reacted right away without too much time to think or disguise. It’s so real and charm.

The live music performances are another thing I really enjoy. And if I can be with them live that’ll be the best.

It’s like talk show and country music entertainments all on one stage, which I like them a lot.

between the walls

Between the Walls is a movie that I watched yesterday.

Peter King is the mina character, he discovers that his father had audio recorded everything that happened in his childhood home. This comes as Pete and his family clean out the house before it is repossessed. With only five days left, he must reconcile with a past that has always kept him from his future and the God he learned to despise in his childhood.

In this story, all the audios are store neatly in the garage. It’s like a forbidden thing and place of this family, it also is a pain past for the whole family, the fight, the arguing between parents and between parents-kids. Even the father die years after, still the audios, the awful memories never go away. They just keep coming back remind them the pain, the sorrow.

To most of the people, we all have some kind of terrified memories, they seems fade away or disappear from our life forever. But somehow, we accidently bring them back ourselves. We suffer, hate, complain, sometimes the old story pass down to our next generation. We didn’t do it on purpose, only because we didn’t really mend with our past, our pain, our hate or our choice not to forgive.

We are really powerless and weak, if we compare with those evils thoughts. But we do have the choice to make the decision. Whether you are willing to fight back or surrender.

If we choice yes! I am going to conquer my fear and past. Then you won’t be alone, GOD will supply this needs, the help and even sent the angels to fight together with you. That’s in this movie, Pete’s friend, Ryan come to help him out.

In the end Pete is not just walk out the past, he forgive his parents. Also this friend, Ryan used to do something to his family end up now he is the one to overtake the past. And this will pass down to the generations to generations.


Whenever the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future. This is another thing that we need to always remember. Together with GOD, we are the best team. We can win every battle.

what to write

Sometimes I have something in mind that I want to write them down. But I don’t have the computer access right away. After that either I forget or don’t want to write them anymore.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

proper dress

I really enjoy watching people who has the proper dress for them. It’s not necessary fancy, expensive or brand name.

Especially those celebrities, proper dress is very important. But I don’t understand is that they all should have a professional designer or stylist either dress them or give suggestions, right? Somehow sometimes you’ll see some surprises. It’s like what happen to her or him.

Ladies are luckier than gentlemen, because ladies always have a lot more choices on clothes. Weather the choices are colors, materials or styles on dresses.

evergreen rehabilitation center sharing 3

( 劉媽媽 劉伯伯 )
They always have the brightest smile. They clap hands with our singing. They do the exercise with us together.

Pope Francis

Yesterday there’s an interview of Pope Francis that got people a lot of thinking.

We easily focus on something less important. Yes! The rules are crucial. But if we only focus on that and even judge others with. Just like what Pope Francis’ answer, who am I to judge it?

Be kind to help or think why that happens to the people make mistakes instead.

Friday, September 20, 2013

evergreen rehabilitation center sharing 2

Today I’m going to share a love story. And better listen carefully, because you all are one of the characters in this story.

( 馬姐妹 ) she share her live story with us, about how her life being turn around because of JESUS, she studied in seminary years ago, how she is cured by HIM. She used to be a radio host and a writer.

( 杜伯伯 ) every time when I ask him, can I pray for you, he always say yes. And he even prays with me together word by word, sentence by sentence. I was a very shame person, I’m afraid and don’t know how to pray for others especially pray out loud in front of others. But by that I’m not learn how to pray for others that also encourage me to pray out loud in public. Isn’t that amazing? 

Alvordor and Catalina, you guys is a beautiful couple. Every time when I see you guys together holding hands, talking, sharing some goodies. That’s a loving and beautiful picture. And Catalina do you know you have a very lovely smile. Also I like the way that you guys call my name, Alicia, which is Alice in Spanish.

John and your pretty sister Maria, you guys always talk to me and thank us for coming. Although you don’t know our language, you still enjoy our gathering. You say that you can feel the spirit that flowing around us.

( Joseph伯伯 ) you so welcome and thanks us every time we are here. And I also know that you used to sing tenor, so please sing with us every time.

( Sue姐妹 ) you are the most important person for our gathering here. You are always so kind and patient to help each and every one here, including our team.

Raymond, he is only here couple times. He has dialysis schedule in this time. But he always enjoys being blessed. So I pray for him can be us here some time.

( 劉媽媽 劉伯伯 )

friend's sharing

Today I heard a very touching sharing from a sister. Her husband die 20 years ago of cancer. At that time when people ask him, do you still have faith in GOD? His answer is, yes! I’m glad that this happen to me instead of someone who doesn’t know GOD yet. Because I know HIM, I have peace in my mind, and I know where I’m going in the end.

2013 application

Oh! Lord please prepares the best for me. I’m still waiting the answer from my application. You know what the best is for me. No matter the result I know it’s from you.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

welcome perfect strangers

For those who walk in my life, sometimes you’re not necessary help me or even hurt me. I give thanks to those perfect strangers. No matter how I learn something from it.

2013 chinese moon festival

The Chinese moon festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar, it’s a full moon. It’s also one of the big holidays in Chinese’s culture.

There’re legends about it. Here’s one of them. In the ancient past, there was a hero named [Hou] Yi who was excellent at shooting. His wife was Chang'e. One year, the ten suns rose in the sky together, causing great disaster to people. Yi shot down nine of the suns and left only one to provide light.

After the hero Houyi shot down nine of the ten suns, he was pronounced king by the thankful people. However, he soon became a conceited and tyrannical ruler. In order to live long without death, he asked for the elixir from Xiwangmu. But his wife, Chang'e, stole it on the fifteenth of August because she did not want the cruel king to live long and hurt more people. She took the magic potion to prevent her husband from becoming immortal. Houyi was so angry when discovered that Chang'e took the elixir, he shot at his wife as she flew toward the moon, though he missed. Chang'e fled to the moon and became the spirit of the moon. Houyi died soon because he was overcome with great anger. Thereafter, people offer a sacrifice to Chang'e on every lunar fifteenth of August to commemorate Chang'e's action.
At that day friends and family meet together, it’s like family reunion. Together we talk and eat some traditional food usually eat at this day, moon cakes, grapefruits, bbq …etc.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

evergreen rehabilitation center sharing 1

I remember that when the first time walk in the rehabilitation center. I feel so warm and welcomed. Everybody there is so friendly, saying good morning, hello, or how are you to me.

When I walk in the room that we are supposed to be with those residents, I greet with each one. One of them ( 司徒伯伯 ), when he first see me, he say to me that I look just like his sister. I then joking to him say then your sister must be very pretty, just like me. And immediately I feel like I’m not just a visitor or a stranger here. I’m like walk into a big family of mine. Others thanks us to be here to visit them, give me the blessings before I have chance bless them, share their life experiences, call me a beautiful lady, say that I have a beautiful smile.

I also try my best use different language to talk to them. I only have very limited words that I know how to day in other language. ( 黃伯伯 )For example, say good morning in Japanese is おはようございます, thank you is ありがとうございます, and good bye is さような. And some other Chinese dialogues like Cantonese and Taiwanese. When I try this, they are so happy; they give me two thumbs up instead of correcting me.

And also should try to memorize the following, Jesus loves you, in Japanese                イエスはあなたを愛して, this is the way to pronounce it, Iesu wa anata o aishite.

Jesus loves you, in Spanish, Jesús Te ama.


Nervous can always ruin the performance.

How can we take away the nervous? Some people are natural on stage in front of crowds. I’m not, I always feel nervous, so afraid of making mistake(s). But the more you worry about making mistake, it seems the more likely to make mistakes.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Today I finally know how to spell voila correctly. Voila is used to express success or satisfaction. It’s original come from French. I like the way how it is pronounced. Before I always thought the word beginning with the letter w.

THE rice milk

The turns out the kids again don’t like my homemade food, the rice milk. A lot of time, I’m the only one appreciate it. They always complain about the way I cook or the ingredients I use. I really love them. I’m not lying.

what's the right thing to do or the right words to say?

It’s hard to know what‘s the right thing to do or the right words to say in the right timing to the right person.

I currently attend some groups of activities besides my regular schedule, church and work and family. I have evergreen college, rehabilitation center visiting, choir, and morning praise dance exercise and worship team.

Sometimes they just cannot start the activities on time, or the member never can come on time, the leader or the group member is not really passionate about it. I feel uncomfortable about it. Should I tell them or not about my feelings or give them the suggestions. I’m just a member. Although most of the leaders and members are volunteering, we should all still do the right thing, right?

Worship is one thing that you need not only the tectonic but also the passion. I see people have strong music background but I can’t see the passion. That’s sad.

Friday, September 13, 2013

love, last forevrmore?

There’s a very famous china singer just announce their end of marriage. That’s sad. Is that any love between man and woman last forevermore?

She is a very talented and beautiful lady. And the husband is both successes in entertainment and business fields.

I, myself don’t have a successful marriage. So I often wish other else’s’ marriage and love can last forever and ever.

But in the real world is always cruel. I know some of the people even they still maintain the marriage relationship legally, they not happy together. No matter what the reason, they have to be kind of together. That is really miserable.

soy milk

I learned how to make instant soy milk from website. I’m sorry that my kids they don’t really like it.

Unlike the traditional way to make soy milk, after the over night soaking in the water, I cook them first instead of blend them in the blender. Everyday, I take small portion of them, blend them, and drink. If you like warm beverage, you need just boil them again before drink them.

It’s easy and save a lot of time and energy. Also if you do the tradition way, blend them and then cook them. The soy milk is very likely to either burn or overflow the pot while you are cooking.

Soy milk is a very traditional Asian beverage and very health, especially for women.

worries and responsibilities

A lot of worries and responsibilities inside me again, I know that’s not good. That’s I always tell people too. And people say if it’s too much load for you then go see a counselor for some advices. But I do not really agree with that.

Again I seek for GOD’S HELP. I pray really intense. I pray to give this burden to HIM. I pray that I can have enough wisdom to deal with it. I pray for the people and things that I’m worry about, they also will have the protection and wisdom from GOD.

rice milk

The other day I had homemade rice milk. It tasted good to me. I’m hoping the kids will like it too.

I first bake the brown rice and peanuts in the oven. People say that you got to bake them until it’s about to burn to make the aromas come out. But I think I’m too scared to do it. Maybe next time I’ll try again.

The ratio for the rice and peanuts is 2:1; I didn’t really measure them exactly. After I toke those ingredients out of the oven, I pour water and sugar altogether and then cook them again to soft.
Then wait until its cool, I put them into blender and blend them little by little. And the last I have to cook them again, if it’s too thick pour in more water and boil it. Delicious homemade rice milk is ready to be consumed.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

worship leading - loved

Who don’t want a love that will last forever and won’t because you do something wrong, it become less. Is there such kind of love exist? Yes! It’s the love the Christ. Let us accept His love and live out love. (  活出愛 )

Often time, I want shout out loud to the LORD, You are good. Do you? Let all not just say that let’s sing it, You are good to Him. ( 你真好 )

What is the simple way to say praise the LORD? Yes! It’s Hallelujah
( 哈利路亞 )

Lets spend some time to pray to our GOD. If you are tire, you can sit down. You may pray for yourself, your friend(s) or your love one(s). Try to pray out loud maybe just one or two sentences, because HE enjoys having a close relationship with you.


Nearly 3,000 people died when hijacked jets crashed into the towers, including firefighters and the people who worked there. It’s 12 years ago when this happened.

And I still can remember that I was pregnant with my second child, he was born 11 days after. Those 11 days seems like years to me at that time. I was terrified, because they said that they are going to have a second attack. Our state is one of the states that they target. They also said it will have a toxic gas attack. During that period of time, I often talk to the child inside me, please don’t come out, yet, stay as long as you can. Because in my mind I think that if the attack occur, I still be able to carry him to the save place. And if he was born before the attach, how am I going to take care of him and my older one all together. What if he cries when we were hiding from the terrorists?

Every year this day, 9/11, I thought about that. We survive, I have a happy child. I give thanks to the LORD for protecting us. But feel sorrow for those who lost their lives, their love ones. Especially for those who sacrifice their lives to save others. And some of them suffer some sickness because that incident.

Wish there’s always peace between human beings. Everyone should have a kind and joy heart.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Be observe is a good habit. I don’t mean that you have to observe others’ motions or memorize what they do in detail. What I mean is stay alert with the people or the things going on around you. That can train your sense of awareness and memory. And sometimes that may save yourself or others in some ways.

rabbits - changes

Since our 2 new members, rabbits come to our home. I have some changes. I write my blog a lot more often and I have a lot more things that I can write about. I stay away from TV or computer more; I stay out a lot to be with them. I talk to them, observe them, sometimes I pray, I sing or just stay quite with them. And that also makes me do some more exercises, because I need to go in and out of the house a lot.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

urgent prayer request

The past Tuesday my friend supposed to have a surgery for the stomach cancer. The test report said that her cancer is at the early stage so with a simple surgery should do the job. But it turned out that it’s a totally opposite result, it cannot be surgery. Now the doctor asks her to have chemo therapy. Luckily for the chemo therapy, she doesn’t need to go to hospital; she can have a small machine inside her for 48 hours to inject the medicine into her body.

She is such a lovely lady always think about others instead of herself. She pray, help for others. We thank LORD to have her as a friend, and give her such a kind heart.

 Now she really needs our support, I pray for her. And also plan to visit her, maybe sing some songs for her. Hoping that her families and friends won’t stumble because her sickness. And pray that she will have the enough energy to fight the sickness. And Holy Spirit will be with her, her families, and the entire medical group that work with her.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

friend's son

Today I finally get to have one of my friend’s sons to go to the Christian meeting for college students. Hope it’ll help him to back in track and won’t hate me or his mom to kind of force him to go. Hope he will like the group meeting and go regularly.

This friend is our family long term friend. We kind of support each when there’s a need.  But mostly are her families giving us helps in a lot of different way. One thing a specially remember is, we used to have our fellowship meeting in her house. They are not nice to open their home for us to come. Their kids were babysitting our kids. That’s how I so appreciate them. It’s really not easy when older kids willing help on a bunch of younger kids at teenage age.

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


Lately the weather is so hot. It’s over 100 degrees. But we all will survive.

Because that heat, it makes me want eat less and drink more water. Maybe that’s good for lose some pounds now.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Diana Nyad completes historic swim from Cuba to Florida

Diana Nyad completes historic swim from Cuba to Florida. She is a 64 years old lady who fulfills her dream 35 years ago that she dreams about. And it’s her 5th try.

As soon as she arrives the shore, she gives out 3 messages to the crowds. The following are the 3 messages. “One is, we should never, ever give up. Two is, you're never too old to chase your dream. Three is, it looks like a solitary sport, but it is a team,"

Often time people lost their dreams as soon as they grew up. You may have a lot of basic needs for the life needed to be completed right away. You may think that I’m too old to have a dream. And knowing that you are never alone, there is always someone there for you. Even when you are physically alone, GOD is always there with you; HE will never give up on you or forget about you.

taro cake & white radish cake

Lately I being trying to do the taro cake and white radish cake. I love those foods since I was little. My mom and grandma used to make them all the time.

Homemade foods are always healthier, cleaner and full of the real ingredients, but it takes times to make them. That’s why I won’t be able to make them frequently

Nowadays it’s very easy to find those delicious recipes online; you can even find the videos for it on youtube.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I just faxed a resume for a new job. Some questions inside me again as usual. Some worries about it also

Will they accept my application? Can I do it? Will that job last forever?

If I do get this job, my working hour will change from a flexible working hour to a fix working schedule. All the benefits for that will be gone, for example, I won’t be able to go exercise every morning, I cannot attend evergreen college every Tuesday, I will not be able to go visit the rehabilitation center 3 Fridays morning every month. And the kids may need a ride or something; I won’t be able to take time off easy as before

Oh! GOD please makes the best plan for me.

And I just remember I forgot sign the application before I faxed them.

rabbits' 2nd month

The rabbits have been coming to our home for the 2nd month now. The past Sunday we bought the playpen for them, so they can stay at the real world with more spaces.
They start to dig a lot of holes. We still separated them, but they seems want to meet each other together. So they dug the hole and finally they met again. And they fought again. It’s so sad that they are brothers why they fight to each other. That’s why I cover the hole between them.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

grow up

I used to be a very lonesome people. I didn’t enjoy talking to others.

Then one day when I graduated form high school. I start to think that that’s not right. I should be like others, talk to them, and be friends with them. I tried my way to force myself to be friendly to others. I tried to find something in common with other people so I can communicate with them, or to be a socialable person. But I failed, I just couldn’t.

And that’s then I became angry about myself, my families, my education. Why is me so different from others. Why aren’t’ my families give the example for it. Why am I born like that? Why can I change a bit? I blame on others, why are they notice me and talk me before I can talk to them. So many questions and blames inside of me.

Just recently, I notice that I actually changed. I’m not really socialable person. But at least I don’t question anymore. I don’t blame on others. Yes! Everybody born differently, being brought up differently. In GOD’S eyes, we all are different but precocious too. GOD let us all has our own will to be different kind of person. But if you need it HE will always be there and provide the help that you need, not you want.

I start to talk to people, especially those who are alone or new from our group. Why wait others to care about you. You can care about them first. Even sometimes when I was really alone by myself in a big group, I still enjoy the solitude.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

dear rabbits

We bought something for the rabbits today. Wow! Almost $90 of spending, they are playpen and rabbit food. Well if that’s needed then we have to buy and spend the money on it.

And we also try to save the spending on them on beddings and food. I try variety of real food and use the dry grass as beddings.

I really hoping at the same time the kids will learn how to take care of others, although they are not the real human beings. Also we all have a good memory of having those loving pets.

prayer needed 2

I’m having a major thinking on an important decision. I need to pray to GOD so I can make the best and the right one.

Maybe I should start to write down the cons and pros of it. And make some phone call to listen to other people’s opinions too.

prayer needed

One of my friends is going to have a surgery next Tuesday morning at 9:30am. I just want to pray for her safety and good recovery after that. She is a very nice lady. She is always very kind to the people, especially who are in need of something.

And I also want pray for her families and all her medical group people. May GOD guide them to do the best to help her during surgery and the recovery.