Thursday, August 10, 2017

Workshop for Evangelism

What is evangelism? 
Spread the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness.

That's probably is the definition that we can google it, it seems like a big word, for most of us. Spreading God's love through our daily lives, by caring, comforting or anything concerns others' benefits.

When would I know the right situation to share about God? 
There’s no a fix rule about it, any time is and is not a good time to share your faith to others, it sounds confuse, right? I know. 

As for my experiences from serving at rehabilitation center, every time I see a new coming ( resident), I introduced myself as part of the church serving group, we'll later sing some songs etc. And of course, I always ask them, are you a Christian or have you ever been to church? If the answer is, no, I may then ask him or her, do you want to know about God or do you want to be baptized, becoming a Christian? Some of them really surprised me by giving the yes answer right away. I believe, as long as you have a willing heart to serve in God's love, the Holy Spirit will guide you through the process and don't be upset about the no answer.

How do we bring up the topic of Christianity and share the gospel with friends without feeling nervous or uncomfortable? 
Normally, I’ll bring up the topic through inviting them to our church's special event, like father's day BBQ. Other times, I’ll just simply be their friend by listening to their stories and find the chance to share mind personal encounters with them.

What should we not do when trying to evangelize? 
Never fight with them over your faith or use so called Christian terminologies or share the gospel with our non-Christian friends by shoving the gospel down their throats.

How do we share the gospel with our non-Christian friends without shoving the truth down their throats?
Just be their friends by supporting, or be a companion, I guess.

How do you spread the word and have it actually impact people? 
How you act is the best testimony. 

How long until everyone knows about Jesus? 

I truly have no clue. It probably take a long time. That’s how each of us are so important in the role of evangelism.

(As I shared a while ago, some people is easier to accept Christ, some takes a long time, how long? I’ve heard, like, couples of decades, so, keep praying and never give up.)

What are differences and similarities between evangelism in the present and in Biblical times?
Good question, I believe the evangelism is the same only the ways to evangelism are vary.

Besides, preaching face to face, we can use some modern technologies, email, blog, Facebook, video, classes and so on.

How much should the church imitate God's prophets? 
Big question, first of all, how to Identify a True Prophet?

Acts 2:17-18 17 ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. 18 And on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour out in those days My Spirit, and they shall prophesy.

How can you be more confident in your faith?

By praising, praying to the Lord, serving others, reading the bible and the like.

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