Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day48 - 05032020 Sunday

Today was the first time that I used the iron steak plates that I bought last year.
We had the baby back ribs, the shell pastas, egg and garlic bread, yum!
I also have a cast iron cookware I should find out how to use it soon!
There are some other stuffs that I bought that I either never use them or hardly use them! What a waste!

Took some garden weeds photos, but have difficulty to identify most of them. I did Google them, still hard, a lot of look alike and some of them not even list on it. I was astonished that all those weeds have their own names and a lot of them are edible and medicinal.

So tomorrow I will cook dumping use the chives and scallions from our yard. And try to use the cast iron for the omelette. But my cast is a square one and has no lid come with it.

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