Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Day 127 - 07212020

Cleaned a little tiny bit of our living room. It is a hard work.
When you are getting older you are not just reminiscing a lot. Another thing is you will try to save everything, even a takeout container you think that we may use it some other time. Unless it is really trash otherwise they are treasure.

Every individual is a work of artistic creation  Leaves that from the same tree at different stage of life they look different they are preciously elegant.  https://www.facebook.com/alice.chen.10048379/posts/10157741067659755?notif_id=1595384842969291&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic

I wanted to make bread like fruity, nutty oatmeal bread tomorrow.

Need to do the grocery shopping tomorrow this be the second trip of this week.

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