Tuesday, September 22, 2015

支氣管 Bronchus




但最近由於工作和家庭兩頭忙,常常沒有時間去做讚美操的運動,又加上最近因為天氣炎熱,我開始不忌口,只覺得太熱了,受不了了,所以,吃和喝了很多冰冷的東西,又加上在辦公室一天數小時的吹冷氣,我敏感的氣管 - 咳嗽又復發了。





There’s a saying in Taiwanese, "Your skin is itch ah!?", that means that you are not behave and someone is going to scold you, recently, I often feel, "Oh! No! I feel my skin is cold."

Why do I say that? A few years ago because of my negligence, my cold and coughing last for a long time, I didn’t even take good care of myself at that time, I thought, young as I, was physically strong and can recovery quickly. The result, my trachea, bronchi, bronchioles become so very weak and vulnerable, and later, once the weather change into cool, wind blows, especially the air-conditioning or eat something cold or irritating food or talk for some time then I’ll  cough hard and constantly, this, makes me feel very depressed.

Then slowly I learn, and begin paying attention to my own health and begin participating in the praise dance exercises regularly and gradually my bronchial problem improves significantly.

However, lately I’m so busy with work and kids, often, do not have time to do the praise dance exercise, plus the hot weather presently, I start to eat and drink a lot of cold food at will to get away from the heat and cool myself down, and hours of air-conditioning in the office each day, my sensitive trachea – coughing problem, reoccur again.

Humans are really very powerless beings, knowing it’s a proper thing to do but fail to, and for things is not right to do but can not control ourselves, eventually, we pay the price for the consequences unwilling.

Oh! Lord! please help me, Thy Holy Spirit protect me and embrace me tightly, You are my hands, You are my feet, You are my mind and heart, You are my everything, help me to do what I should do, pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Oh! Yes! Go to go! It’s my praise dance exercise time. Talk to you soon.

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