Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day20 - 04052020 Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday.

I was planning to do some indoor cleaning, restroom, but I didn't.

Chris Tomlin - Jesus Messiah

I understand that you just need to let go of the kids and they will learn from their mistakes.
But what if the mistakes are irresistible, like health!?
Live a healthy life; go to bed early, get up early, exercise regularly, think positive, eat healthy, keep the right posture, not use the computer too much and so on.
Lord, please help!

Tomorrow is the third week since our office closed.
Must find something meaningful to do.

Before this Coronavirus outbreak, every Sunday, I felt sad about going back to work again.
Now I felt, oh no, there will be no work tomorrow.

I am thinking to make a red riding hood.

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