Sunday, April 12, 2020


Back when I was little, in elementary school, junior high and high school, the teacher asked us to write diaries for practice writing purpose.
And I wrote like almost every day, today was a sunny day or cloudy day, whatever depends upon the weather was that day literally that's it!
Seriously, I have nothing to write about!
Like I have no life, no ideas what to write, zilch, period!

I was a bored person, I hardly communicate with others at all.
That's sad, right!?
There were times that I questioned myself! Why was I been born!? What is the purpose of me being alive!? 

Yet now I am writing without anyone to push me or grades me! And I have a whole lot to write about! The ideas just keep coming! I just want to keep writing and writing!
Maybe there won't be lots of readers to my blog, but who cares!
Because someone dies for me and risen on the third day and loves me dearly!
Yes, Jesus, He is alive!

I may be a Nobody but a Believer, Lord, please bring me back to where I belong to, the Church!

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