Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ephesians 以弗所書 4:26 - 27 / 6:4

Ephesians 以弗所書 4:26 - 27
26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 neither give place to the devil.
26 你們發怒卻不可繼續犯罪,不可生氣到日落,27          

Ephesians 以弗所書 6:4
And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

Psalm  37:8
Cease from anger and forsake wrath; fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.


Luke     6:37
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Ephesians 以弗所 4:31 - 32
31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice; 32 and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

31 忿   32 

Galatians 加拉太 5:22 - 23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

22 聖靈所結的果子,就是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩 慈、良善、信實、23 溫柔、節 制。這樣的事沒有律法禁止。

It is a real life lesson to learn, the other day, in the morning, right before I’m going to give my younger son a ride to school, we have a tiny fight with him, didn’t even remember what went wrong.

Yeah! Just a small fight and I’m so mad at him, actually, both of us, mad at each other, I don’t know why, probably, it’s at the very early of the morning, and both our hormones are not yet adjust for the day start.

Right away, I decide in my mind, I’m not going to give him the ride this time, see if he can be on time for school, on foot.

And you won't believe that I have several plans inside my heart followed.

First, a perfect excuse for not to go to the park for my regular exercise.

Second, not to answer either one of my sons' phone, for I have a rule, to have them to call me, when they get off the school. Sometimes, they, forget to call me right after school, so I’ll call him instead, but in today's case, I won't.

Third, not go to the community service the next day.

Forth, not to participate, his Saturday event at all.

Fifth, not to prepare dinner for them.

Or sixth, buy takeout dinners, not to talk to them, go to bed directly.

Or, seventh, leave the takeout at home for them then go shopping after work until very late and never answer their phones, in the event of they call to see where I am, just to show my anger toward them, and how hurting I am from them. And also to teach them a lesson to respect and cherish their mom.

All these thoughts come into my mind in between, after my son left for school and before I left for work, around 3 hours, and yes, I forced myself out of my room and go to work, and yes again, that’s the only place that I can go.

Right when I got in my car, and start the car, I thought about, the coming Sunday, is our fellowship's turn to lead the worship, but with this kind of mood, how am I going to praise the Lord, with mad inside me? Or just pretend that I have joy inside my heart?

The more that I thought about it, the more I feel that I’m about to explode. not just that, at the moment, while I was driving, whoever I saw at street, walking or driving, I piss them off, I cannot help to be so mad at everyone in sight. But I know that I shouldn't at the same time. I pray to the Lord, please help me, I really don't want to be like this, please turn every my cursing into hallelujah. So, hallelujah come out of my mouth, literally, from soft to loud to shout, for around 2-3 minutes, why do I know how long it is? That’s my drive to work routine. 

And then I burst into tears, I cry out loud, I cry so hard and that is right when I drove onto freeway, for around 10 minutes, within that time period, I know that's God's healing process, comforting me and help me to let out all the anger and hurting inside.

And then when I got off the freeway, another 2 minutes or so, I calm down, wipe the tears and put myself together again, so I be able to go into office in one piece, like nothing ever happen to me.

I have peace of mind for couple of hours until, it's time for my younger son to call me to let me know that school is over, let me know that either he is going to stay at school for practice or go to the library or walk home. 

Obviously, he forget again, but why today? When the time pass, I’m so worry, now, normally, I’ll just call him to find out, what happen to him, and joking that "did you just forgot about me again?" But not today, after the fight, I cannot surrender, I’m the mom, the boss of him.

Random thoughts come into my mind once more, did he do this on purpose, to show his anger or something happen when he walk to school or he didn't go to school at all. Oh! My! That’s more than an hour's suffering. Of course, I pray for his safety and pray the Lord reminds him to call me.

Surely, he called me more than an hour later, the normal time he call me, said, "Sorry! Mom, I forgot to call you, I was practicing at school, and I’ll call you when it's done, OK"

How silly I am, right? I was punish myself with nonsense reason.

After the practice, he called me to pick him up and gave his friend a ride home. After that, we went have dinner, after dinner's done, I asked him, "now that you are full, so you won't get mad again, right?"

What a lesson to learn.

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