Tuesday, November 15, 2016

40 pounds banana

I bought one whole box of bananas, 40 pounds, for the fellowship thanksgiving dinner gathering.

Wonder how I get it home, 40 pounds, anyone?

At the store, I did ask for help from some handsome guy to lift it up onto the shopping cart.

And hoping that any workers will ask me, do I need help to transfer it into my car. No one kindly to ask me though.

So after checked out I transferred this 40 pounds giant into my car trunk effortlessly. I open the shopping cart which is near the push handle, feeling smart. Ha!

When I got home, of course I had my two strong helpers help me to get it inside the house, that’s wish all bananas will all ripe in time of our dinner gathering.

How much is the bananas, I got two different guesses from my kids, $20 and $12, both answers are pretty close, why? Because I have a $5 discount coupon, therefore, before the discount is almost $20 and after the discount is $14 something. Sweet!


Two ways to protect your health, try fulfill both, if not, for some medical reason then at least one of them.
開源節流 Open source and / or cut expenditure, don't know if this the right kind of thinking on this.

"Immune system disorders cause abnormally low activity or over activity of the immune system. In cases of immune system over activity, the body attacks and damages its own tissues (autoimmune diseases). Immune deficiency diseases decrease the body's ability to fight invaders, causing vulnerability to infections."

And the above is something I google from the web, I never known that the immune system can be overly active to attack one own body cells, until months ago I met a mom from Taiwan.

I wonder, just wonder, and if we can take those overly active cells or hormone or whatever from one's immune system to help people fight serve disease naturally. Or is there someone or some laboratory is doing it already.


If you ask the following question to someone. What's your plan?
And the answer is as such. Work, be miserable and then die.

Don’t know what will be your answer or your response to this answer.
Here is mind.

At that very moment, the air around me, my heart, my tongue suddenly frozen.
I was searching for some worship songs and sang along with them, all of the sudden, no words, no sounds came out of my mouth, none, cannot talk or sing.

Felt hopeless, worried, frustrating, desperate, questions came out of my mind, why, what, how, when and where is this kind of answer came up with?

Quickly I went in the room, pray and pray.
I want to cry but no tears.
I want to shut but no voice.
I want to get angry but no emotion.
I want to sing but no rhyme.
I want to move but no strength.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Just a thought

Dear all,

A thought came into my mind. The other day I had a short conversation with pastor David about how maybe we should expand the English young adult fellowship into English adult fellowship in order to include more adults into this existed fellowship especially for those English speaking parents whom their kids always come to Friday youth fellowship.

I totally agree with him and feel really sorry about we are kind of let out some other English speaking brothers and sisters, not on purpose though, and we can actually do something now, yes, right now, right away.

Just my opinion that as long as there are 3 and up of people, then it can be a fellowship already. We don't have to wait until like what, 10 or 20 people to form a fellowship. I hope you do agree with me.

Since this coming Friday, our fellowship isn't going to have the regular meeting. I'm hoping that we can a first unofficial English adult fellowship meeting this coming Friday to hear their voices about this thought. We could invite English speaking parents and adults with or without either younger or older kids to join.

Please note that what I suggest here, is to form a new group, other than the young adult fellowship that we already have now. Also not have the limitation only to parents or married brothers and sisters.

And I truly don't want to pull out any brothers or sisters out of their own fellowship unless they moved by the Holy Spirit.

Please advise.

Monday, November 7, 2016


Lord, I'm really tired, please be with me but try not bother me.

That’s the prayer that I had before I knock out to dreamland yesterday after church, the only thing I need is rest not dreams, not any.

Hosea, Psalm

Piper Disney Pixar 


Lord's love never fail, yet discipline strictly.

Good thing is I'm not a prophet.
何西阿書 Hosea
It is primarily about his message—a holistic critique of Israel. Using powerful metaphorical language, Hosea attacks theology, morals, economy and politics. God is passionately concerned for both the responsibility of the individual as well as society to care for and to give justice to the poor. But the message he gives Hosea is not only one of drastic judgment, but also one of his astounding love, mercy and forgiveness. 
1. 一位信實的丈夫與一位不忠的妻子 -- 個人的感情(1-3)
2. 一個信實的主與一個不忠的以色列 -- 國家的寫照(4-14)

何西阿書 Hosea 11:4 我用慈繩愛索牽引他們,我待他們如人放鬆牛的兩腮夾板,把糧食放在他們面前。I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love; and I was to them as they that take off the yoke from their jaws, and I laid meat before them.

Hosea 14:2 Take with you words, and turn to the Lord; say unto Him, “Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously, so will we offer the calves of our lips.

聖經都是神向我們的說話,惟獨詩篇教我們怎樣向神說話。 Poetry and prayer.
The Psalms, like the mirror, show us the shape of our souls and the curve of our sin, realities deep within us, hidden and obscured, for which we need focus and names.

Book I (Psalms 1—41)
The five books of Moses are matched by the five books of David like two five-fingered hands clasping one another in greeting. 

1 Praying Our Inattention 專心
2 Praying Our Intimidation
3 Praying Our Trouble   Reach out to God for help.
4 Dealing with Anger     Anger is a emotion not a sin.
5 Relying on God           Instead of allowing our fear or anger to dominate our thinking, we need to focus on God.

詩篇 Psalm 2:3 說:「我們要掙開他們的捆綁,脫去他們的繩索!」“Let us break Their bonds asunder, and cast away Their cords from us.”

11-11-2016 worship songs

腓 立 比 書 3:7-11 

只 是 我 先 前 以 為 與 我 有 益 的 , 我 現 在 因 基 督 都 當 作 有 損 的 。 不 但 如 此 , 我 也 將 萬 事 當 作 有 損 的 , 因 我 以 認 識 我 主 基 督 耶 穌 為 至 寶 。 我 為 他 已 經 丟 棄 萬 事 , 看 作 糞 土 , 為 要 得 著 基 督 ;並 且 得 以 在 他 裡 面 , 不 是 有 自 己 因 律 法 而 得 的 義 , 乃 是 有 信 基 督 的 義 , 就 是 因 信 神 而 來 的 義 ,10 使 我 認 識 基 督 , 曉 得 他 復 活 的 大 能 , 並 且 曉 得 和 他 一 同 受 苦 , 效 法 他 的 死 ,11 或 者 我 也 得 以 從 死 裡 復 活 。

What is the most important thing in your life?

第十二屆聖詩頌唱會 05 認識你 Knowing You

He knows and loves us, no matter what. We sin, He forgive, we fall, and He raise us up.
抬起我的頭 I Will Lift My Head

Holy Spirit please come and fill us up, we live for You.
充滿我-生命河靈糧堂(奔向愛我的神) Fill me, Lord

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Feeling like to hide into a cave and hibernate. Kind of sensitive to cold, especially the early morning and late night.