救主的到臨(1:1 – 2:23)祂的名字已顯明了祂的使命:
傳道工作的開始(3:1- 4:25)像以色列人出埃及的時候一樣,耶穌也被引領至曠野,受魔鬼的試探(4:1)。魔鬼試圖引誘祂離棄神和祂的使命,耶穌卻倚靠神和神的話而得勝。並開始出來傳道(像約翰一樣,面臨新國度的來臨,祂呼召人悔改),教導人(祂呼召了第一批門徒)和醫病(4:17-25)。
山上寶訓(5:1- 7:29)朝著這目標而行,門徒必須在罪惡的社會上,發揮防腐(鹽)和見證(光)的作用(13-16)主禱文(6:9-13)門徒要有洞察力,卻不要論斷(7:1-6),要靠著神所賜的能力去愛人(7-12)。耶穌解釋律法完畢(5:21- 7:12),就呼召這些有可能成為門徒的人以這嚴格卻自由的方法來守律法(7:13 - 14),警告那些引誘人不守律法的假教師(15-20),並強調真信徒必遵行神的旨意(21-23)。建基於耶穌的教導的生命,才是真正穩妥的生命(24-27)。
耶穌的權柄(8:1 - 9:38)以一連串的醫治神蹟,使人親眼看見祂的權能,祂用口裏所出的話語,就潔淨一個長大痳瘋的人,治好百夫長的僕人和一個患血漏的婦人(8:1-13,9:20-22);祂撫摸病人,熱病就退了,死人也復活過來(8:14 - 15,9:23-25)。祂用言語,也用動作醫治瞎子(九27-31);作為一個與人同在的神,祂要求門徒無條件地盡忠(8:18-22);雖然祂連動物所享有的天然保障也缺乏(20),但卻藉著平靜風浪(23-27)顯示祂在自然界內的主權,也顯出祂的神性;與魔鬼正面衝突時,耶穌顯然比他們高超(28-34,9:32、33);祂行使神本身的主權,宣佈罪得赦免(9:1-8),並呼召罪人悔改,作祂的門徒(9-13)
Healing Messiah (8:14~17)
Jesus’ healing
of Peter’s mother-in-law reveals His compassionate character. Jesus visits
Peter’s home and sees that his mother-in-law is sick with a fever. Her
condition does not appear life-threatening, and no one expressly asks Jesus to
heal her, but He tenderly reaches out to touch her hand and she is healed. She
responds to Jesus’ kindness by getting up to serve Him immediately. In the
evening, people gather to meet Jesus, and He drives out spirits and heals all
the sick. In this incredible display of His power, Jesus proves that He is the
promised healer about whom Isaiah had prophesied. But Jesus did not come only
to heal our physical infirmities; He came to bear our spiritual infirmities on
the cross so that we could be freed from sin and saved by His grace.
- Jesus is
faithful to love and powerful to heal. Do you believe that He is the promised
Messiah who can bring both physical and spiritual healing into your life?
Away Disciples (8:18~22)
Jesus is
approached by an expert in Jewish law who claims he is willing to follow Jesus
wherever He goes. But Jesus sees into this man’s heart and knows that he does
not fully understand the implications of what he is saying. Jesus’ response
shatters the teacher’s illusions by honestly revealing what the humble and
often uncomfortable path of discipleship really looks like. The next disciple
who wants to follow Jesus is only willing to do so after he fulfills his
familial obligations. Of course Jesus wants us to respect and care for our
parents, but His response shows us that if we want to follow Him, we must love
Him more than anyone else in the world, including our family.
- Do you
want to follow Jesus on your own terms, or will you follow Him the way He calls
you to? Do you love Jesus more than anything and anyone else in your life?