Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Day106 - 06302020

Exactly half the year has pasted!

The fallen banana leaves that I trimmed from the next door neighbor seems attracted to fruit flies/flies. How about the live ones? I don't know because we don't have any banana plant. But I do know that the fruit flies are attracted to the ripe bananas.

The kids will all the takeout foods, but not mine. Well, sometimes they do.

Pray that they will be able and will to care others more. For example, me! 

Tired of doing everything, well almost everything in the house. Can be frustrating sometimes.

When an apple drop on you, what do you learn from it? Me, I eat it!
When you see ants working hard carrying their food what do see from it? I busily smashed it!
Ants come into your house If there are cracks. This morning I tried to kill the ants as much as I can. As I used the mop and I thought that kill the queen ant and the ants actually bring the dead back to the nest (must be, where else?). But why is the queen ant out and why do the ants bring the dead back? And didn't sweep the dead down damn!

Wasp, bee, moth, butterfly, ant, cockroach, earthworm, spider, fly, mosquito, earwig, Lazard, grasshopper, ladybug and maybe more that I found in our area.

Hurt myself with the same kitchen tool, 4-Sided Grater. It's hurting not just physically, but why it has to happen again that is even painful! I was slicing potatoes for me wanted to make potato chips. Signed! Every time I got hurt and said to myself at least that I have a normal platelet count.

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