Sunday, October 13, 2019

Prayer meeting - October

Good morning everybody, welcome to HarvestLA prayer meeting.

Today first I want to share one of my collections, peppercorns.

You probably won't pay attention about what the container the peppercorns are in, what kind of material, color, size and such.

In this case, it inside a plastic bag which is inside a blue bag.

And you know it is peppercorns base on what I am telling you, by the color, the shape you see or the smell of it.

How about ourselves, how do others identify you when they see you or how do you identify yourself, what is your identity?

Let's pray, dear Heavenly Father, we praise You and we love You. Lord, we are willing to empty ourselves, sometimes there is maybe anger, worry, hurt, doubt, unkindness inside our hearts. Lord, help us to let go, and let God's Holly Spirit, mercy, love, healing, power, blessings and wisdom fill us up.
So when people see us they see us as God's precious sons and daughters.
We are first loved by You so we can love others, we are fist blessed by You so we can bless others.
In Jesus's name we pray, Amen!

Let's quickly go through the prayer listings before we can break down into small groups.
Also pray for the world, for the past week there are a lot of things going on.
There are earthquakes, typhoon and flood in Japan, the fire in California, bridges broken down in Taiwan and China and the political issues.

And we will close our prayer meeting around 10:55am so can have the service start on time.

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