Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I bought 2 pairs of new shoes so far this year. So one pair I take it as a pre-mother’s day gift and the other as pre-Christmas gift to myself.

We should treat ourselves good. I’m hoping, I didn’t’ treat myself too nice.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

讚美操 第五輯 以基督的心為心 praise dance 5 have the same mindset as Christ Jesus

01人人看見耶和華的榮耀    (以賽亞35:1-2) they will see the glory of the Lord Isaiah 35:1-2

芭蕾的舞步伸展拉筋、彎腰、放鬆 ballet dance stretch stretch, bend, relax

02福音鐘聲 gospel bells  S. Wesley Martin1894
高爾夫的揮竿動作,拉鐘的動作 Golf swing action, action of pulling the bell

03享受恩雨 (撒母耳上2:1-2) rejoice & blessed in Christ 1Samuel 2:1-2
國標的舞步 ballroom dance

04數算自己的日子 (詩篇90:12) number our days Psalm 90:12
以慢動作左右伸展並做手指運動 Stretch around in slow motion and do finger movement

05大聲笑 laugh out loud
Laugh out loud, tapping acupuncture points, so that the blood circulation more smoothly

06美善的恩賜 (雅各書1:17-18) gifts from the Lord James 1:17-18
上下跳躍前跳後跳並兩手腕轉動的運動 wrist, jumping exercises

07心存基督的道理 (哥羅西書3:16) Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly Colossians 3:16
張開雙手左右各跳一圈,在腳踝點伸的跳動 ankle, jumping exercises

08以基督的心為心 (腓立比書 2:3-5) Philippians 2:3-5
以古典民族舞的形式運動全身 classical folk dance

09萬國萬民都快樂歡呼 (詩篇67) Psalm 67
邊疆舞的形式, 全身跳動 Frontier dance

10摩西和羔羊的歌 (啟示錄15:3-4) Revelation 15:3-4
以進行曲的形式走動 marching

11主禱文 (馬太福音六9-13) the Lord's Prayer Matthew 6:9-13

讚美操 第六輯 重新得力 praise dance 6 renew our strength in Jesus

01因耶和華歡欣    (哈巴谷書三18-19) The Lord is my strength. Habakkuk 3: 18-19
手臂腳伸展運動。仰望神,如鹿的前蹄前後抬。Arms and legs stretch exercise.

02昔在、今在、永在 (創造宇宙萬物我們的神) God, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

啟示錄廿一6-7 Revelation 21:6-7
Self-defense acts.

03不要為生命憂慮 (馬太福音六25-26) do not worry about your life Matthew 6:25-26
手立掌左右抬腳,如鳥上下飛,跳躍運動。Mimic bird’s flying motion.

04清晨聽慈愛之音 (詩篇一四三8) Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love 
Psalm 143:8

05殷勤不可懶惰 (羅馬書十二1115-16) Never be lacking in zeal Romans 12:11, 15-16

06不要生氣 (箴言十五18) be patient Proverbs 15:18

07主凡事作榜樣 (使徒行傳廿35) Follow Jesus Acts 20:35

08告訴神 (腓立比書四6-7) let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4: 6-7

09我的心哪,你要稱頌耶和華 (詩篇一1-5) Bless the Lord, O my soul. Psalm 103:1-5
草裙舞,舞動腳部胸部。Hula dance.

10重新得力 (以賽亞書四十30-31) who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. Isaiah 40: 30-31
如老鷹飛翔的動作。Eagle motions.

11你們不要憂愁 (尼希米記八10) do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

12主禱文 (馬太福音六9-13) the Lord’s Prayer. Matthew 6: 9-13


I get two gifts from my loving relatives.

One of them is a handcraft heart shape mahogany pendant. On one side, it writes, joyful heart, and good medicine on the other side. 

The other one is a blessing mascot.

I should the pictures of them soon.

I have both sides of the gifts' pictures.

Proverbs 17:22
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
22 A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

14 May 2014 worship songs

我愛禱告 I Love Praying
I have a tiny paper cut, right between the 3rd and 4th finger of my right hand on April 25, Friday night. I didn't pay attention about it. Then the second day, in the morning I need to do the cooking, washing and everything, the wound become worse. And then I have go grocery shopping in the afternoon, I accidentally hurt myself the exactly wound spot with one package that I was trying to looking at. That is really hurt, I almost scream out at that moment. The next day, Sunday is the day for our church's annual cleanup day.
That night before I went to sleep, I can still feel the pain and I hold my right hand tightly, I tell myself, “ tomorrow I’ll just watching other church members do the cleaning.” Right away I have other thought, “not give up but pray for my own wound “. I pray the Lord, “please heal my wound overnight “.

為何對我這麼好 unconditional love

愛是不保留 an unreserved love

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Now all my community services are with seniors. I feel very comfortable and cheerful whenever I’m with them.

I really miss my mom and my grandparents. My grandpa dies almost 30 years ago, grand mom die couple years ago. My mom is in Taiwan.

I have so many memories with them.

I guess those services and gatherings with seniors is one of the ways to miss them and never forget about them.

can't & shouldn't say

Something I cannot and should not say to people but I have to and the only thing I can is put them into words and talk to Jesus. It’s sad and happy. It’s depressed that I have to keep them to myself. It’s lucky that I can pour them all out to Him.

My mom stays with us for some years then she decides to go back to Taiwan. My dad stays with us most of the time, only visit Taiwan once a year. My point is why can't he go back and keep Mom Company and take care of each other.

Around 3 or 4 years ago, my mom almost dies. She has some kind of chronic. I really don't how many more 3 years does anyone can have.

I always tell people, forget the past seize now and plan the future.

They should be hand in hand and go travel together near or far, enjoy their life.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

beef pies 牛肉餡餅

Minced beef, I do it start from the scratch. My hand really hurt and got flesh cocoon. I really need a slicer now.

Lots of diced green onions


Grape seed oil

Ground pepper

Wheat flour skins, I also make from scratch, add only warm water, this will make the skin really soft.

Before you wrap the fillings, fully cook them.

MORE votes go to leek box.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


In an epic story of breathtaking scale, Disney nature’s new True Life Adventure "Bears" showcases a year in the life of a bear family as two impressionable young cubs are taught life's most important lessons. Set against a majestic Alaskan backdrop teeming with life, their journey begins as winter comes to an end and the bears emerge from hibernation to face the bitter cold. The world outside is exciting-but risky-as the cubs' playful descent down the mountain carries with it a looming threat of avalanches. As the season changes from spring to summer, the brown bears must work hard to find food-ultimately feasting at a plentiful salmon run-while staying safe from rival male bears and predators, including an ever-present wolf. "Bears" captures the fast-moving action and suspense of life in one of the planet's last great wildernesses-Alaska! Written by Walt Disney Studios

I’m going to see this in Movie Theater; I’m hoping both the kids will go with me.

challenge & surprise

I’m learning Cantonese. My friend asks me, why do you want to learn Cantonese for?
I tell my friend, because Jesus loves dearly, he loves to see me learn new stuff.
Today I want to ask you guys to learn this beautiful Cantonese song with me.

I’m going to speak above in Cantonese to my old friends, that'll be a surprise for all.

i real don't know how to say it

A friend call me about how she has a friend is looking for a future wife. He’s a rich widower, with 3 kids; 2 of sons already grown up, independent and live aboard. The daughter, I guess she is has Cerebral Palsy and of course live with him.
She’s asking me do I consider about getting know him. I really don’t know how to answer her and I just don’t know. My priority is my kids other than that are a no.
Maybe I’ve single too long or I have other thoughts in my mind. She really caught me thinking. She’s not the first one to tell me, I should start to think about myself, the kids will grow up and leave home soon.
Mix Marriage involves huge commitments for the people from 2 different families, responsibilities and everything.

Pastor missionary


I don't think that I have that kind of energy for other people besides my own kids. It’s different from the community services, that's 24/7 issue

Dream big, live small

Dee Williams, built an 84-square-foot house, is no bigger than a parking spot.

There's no running water, no Wi-Fi, the fridge is a cooler, and the toilet is compostable. No worry about the mortgage, and the endless string of home repairs.

birthday gift for myself 2014

2 years ago I set up the blog as my birthday gift for 2012.

Last year I went to the lavender farm with kids as the gift for myself, and of course I bought something for myself and the kids too.

This year I watch the total moon eclipse, blood moon with kids as the pre-birthday gift for me. Other than that it’ll be the bonus gift for me.

And you know what; I got the gifts from my dear relatives, which are what I call the bonus. Yeah!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

being trusted

Being trusted is a good thing. But sometimes I’m so afraid that I cannot really be able to help them or are my recommendations right for them. Often I comfort them first then give them my opinions then I’ll always tell them go get a trusted professional helps.

People say, oh! It’s case by case. For real, even it is exactly same problem, but to different person, different age, and different personality and so on. The solution and result will be totally different.

So much needs to be put into prayers for them. Problems with parents, with kids, especially teens, I pray the wisdom from Lord for those are in troubles and me too.

In relationship the boundary is crucial. And how to set the boundary is not an easy job. Sometimes you just don’t how to set them or you don’t know if you can follow the rules that been settled.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Noah is a famous biblical story that has been told year after year. March 8, 2014 also been released as a movie.

Recently there are several biblical movie been filmed. It’s good to let more and more people knowing these good messages. Let’s more souls saved. Take advantage of the media and not being control by them.

heaven is for real

Its base on a real story and been written into a book, released in November 2010. And the movie release in April 2014.

In the book, Pastor Todd Burpo writes that during the months after his son’s emergency surgery in 2003, Colton began describing events and people that seemed impossible for him to have seen or met. Include his miscarried sister, and his great grandfather who died 30 years before Colton was born.] Colton also claimed that he personally met Jesus riding a rainbow-colored horse and sat in Jesus' lap, while the angels sang songs to him, He also says he saw Mary kneeling before the throne of God and at other times standing beside Jesus.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


1-2-3 flan
1 can of sweeten condense milk
2 can evaporated milk (use the same can to measure milk)
3 eggs

I heard this from friend, not sure will it work correctly.

easter party 2014

Today we went to an Easter lunch party. And they are going have another for own family at night.
They are so generous always thought about the people who are in need. They often prepare plenty of homemade food for the party, also wonderful music for guests to enjoy.

Many thanks and blessings to their families, other then that the best in return is to help some other people who are in need.

sad about worship

Today I overheard someone said to people, oh! This morning Taiwanese congregation Easter choir is so good. Then other people reply to her, we have the same at mandarin congregation too. And then she said oh! Really but the bulletin said it's some other group leading the worship.

And I belong to that particular worship group.  Sad! Not to myself though.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Mission of, it’s not Just for Tweens but also for the parents with tweens, to help tweens and their families to find their values, identity and purposes in Christ.

Take an advantage of iShine, it’s powerful and unique when kids ministering to kids, iShine reaching out to the tweens with remarkable music or skits.

All the problems are not just about the kids or the parent(s) alone but all together.

Seriously we whine a lot and we don’t even realize it or care about it. We are whining just about everything every day.

I need a new phone, how can she have and I don’t.

My parent(s) is/are the meanest parent(s) in the whole wide world.

I need new clothes.

Why can I go out with my friends and have fun.

I’m old enough to take care of myself and make my own decisions.

I need my own privacy. Would you please leave me alone!

Oh! The food is disgusting.

I need a new computer game.

I know everything; you don’t have to tell me over and over again.

Don’t call me, text me please.

Wait don’t bother me, I’m busy here and mind your own business.

I’ll clean my room when I ready.

Does any one of those above sounds familiar to you or your love ones, yes! It’s in our daily life alright.

Whining destroy relationships. Whining will only keep your friends or loves away from you father and father. And it’s like a disease; it will pass on to others too.

1 Thessalonians 5:18  Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 John 4:7  Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

1 Corinthians 6:19  Or do you not know that your body is a temple

what's so funny - cockroach, bee

Fossil evidence indicates that cockroaches have been on earth for over 300 million years.

For the bees if you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you either.

the skit guy - the verdict

A lot of times we play jury, judge and executioner in our lives and condemn ourselves or others to a life ridden with shame and guilt. As Christians we are free from the chains of sin only by the blood of our savior, Jesus. And we can forgive others as Jesus Christ forgives us.

beethoven symphony no. 2 moonlight sonata

It is when I watch one of my favor TV show, the skit guys are showing The Verdict. This is the background music, but only first part of it. I heard this piece long time ago, I adore it. It catches my attention again. It is so charming yet a little sad. It makes me want to listen to it over and over again.

The Symphony No. 2 in D major (Op. 36) is a symphony in four movements written by the Verdict Ludwig van Beethoven between 1801 and 1802. The work is dedicated to Karl Alois, Prince Lichnowsky.

Beethoven's Second Symphony was mostly written during Beethoven's stay at Heiligenstadt in 1802, at which time his deafness was becoming more apparent and he began to realize that it might be incurable. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

group email contacts

Today I finally learn how to group the email contacts, it may sound silly to most of the people, but to me it’s a big step.
Also try to label my posts for it’s easier to find a specific post.


April 25 2014 worship songs

First a short clip to share with everyone. Does anyone know what this clip is about?

Yes! It is the total lunar eclipse, the blood moon the occurred at April 14/15 2014. It happens around 11:58pm until to the next day around 12:05am. At first my kids are with me then when it’s getting late, they feel tired so they go to sleep.

I used to be a timid person, I was scared of dark and lonely, even I was with big crowd of people.

That day after kids gone to sleep, I’m alone but I don't feel lonely at all because I know there is really a God and He is with me all time. And not just that He has the clear sky, the beautiful clouds, the moon, and the shining stars to keep company with me.

And that is also the first time that I aware of the stars are really twinkling at me like they are talking to and smiling at me.

Here is the beautiful song that I want to share with you, please sing along with me.

有一天 (mandarin) (sheet music)


For God is so love of us, would you love Him back and be the channel of His peace. May this be your prayer too!

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (sheet music)


A Cantonese song to share with you, please sing and learn with me.

誰曾應許 He promised (Cantonese) (sheet music)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

homemade 韭菜盒子 leek box

Leek box is more like pot stick but the size is a lot bigger.

It is delicious except I totally forgot to have scramble eggs and rice noodles.

I make the skins myself; inside I have leeks and minced pork.
The leeks are from friend' friend and its home grown.

I also minced the pork from big chunk of pork.

May sharing - total lunar eclipse

First a short clip to share with everyone.
Dose anyone knows what is this clip about?
Yes! It is the total lunar eclipse, the blood moon the occurred at April 14/15 2014.
It happens around 11:58pm until to the next around 12:05am.

At first my kids are with me then when it’s getting late, they go to sleep.
When I was little, I was scared of dark and lonely, even I was with big crowd of people.

That day I’m alone but I don't feel lonely because I know God is with me. And not just that he has the clear sky, the beautiful clouds, the moon, and the shining stars.
And that is also the first time that I aware the stars are really twinkling at me like they are talking to and smiling at me.

Here is the beautiful I want share with you, please sing along with me too.
有一天 (mandarin)

caramel candy

Again as usual, I’ll adjust the ingredients a little bit, not going to have corn syrup and vanilla.

1 cup sugar
3/4 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup butter
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Combine all ingredients in a heavy saucepan and cook on medium-high flame. Stir consistently as the ingredients melt and combine.
Let mixture come to a rolling boil and continue stirring consistently.
Mixture will begin to thicken more and more the longer it is allowed to boil. The caramel will firm up considerably when it is cooled.
Cook to medium ball stage. Does the drop test to see how firm your caramel is?
DROP TEST: Get a small bowl and fill it with ice water. Set it to the side of the stove and when you think your Caramel is firming up, take a spoonful and drop it in the ice water. Wait about thirty seconds so it has time to cool, then take the caramel out of the ice water and squish it between your fingers. If it isn't as firm as you want it, cook the caramel for a bit longer and then does another drop test. Keep doing this until it has reached the stage you want. See how easy and simple that was?
Remove caramel from heat and let cool for a while in the pan.

When it is somewhat cooled, pour it out onto a greased counter, or onto parchment paper. Let cool to room temperature.
Use a pizza cutter to cut strip off the caramel, then cut the strip into small pieces and wrap in pieces of wax or parchment paper. The softer the caramel, the more likely it is to stick to the wrapping. So if you like it really soft, I would suggest you use parchment paper instead of the wax.
The best thing about this recipe is that it tastes good no matter how hard or soft you cook it. If you want caramel syrup, then you boil it for a very short while. If you want a caramel toffee, the flavor will still be as wonderful. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I have over the years.

iceberg lettuce wraps 生菜包

Iceberg lettuce wraps, that's another yummy dish that remember my mom and grandma used to make.

It’s the idea that wrap cook ingredients wrap in raw iceberg lettuce. The raw iceberg lettuce play a crucial role in this dish, it make every bite a crispy crisp, not just the taste also the sound. Another fun part is you have warp it yourself right before you eat it.

I don't quite remember the exactly ingredient about it. 

I have cook rice miss soak with raw eggs, shredded pork marinate with soy sauce, egg and grape seed oil, and diced colorful bell pepper.

First I stir fry the pork until it’s almost fully cook, and you don't need to add oil to it, and then ladle them out. I always use the same pot to continue the cook; fry the rice with the eggs until it’s down then add bell pepper for little while then the pork in, cook until all done.

Yummy my tummy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

on duty april 16 2014

Another on duty day without call in out walk in, I feel a little sad.

But I draw 2 pictures with pencil.

This will be part of my plan to show the old friends, hope this will cheer them up or inspire them a little.

Actually I should go have the singing lesson and visit some old friends today, but I cannot.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

who should own a pair of Google Glass

Today is the first day you can buy Google Glass for $1,500.
It sounds exciting.

But there are some reasons that you shouldn’t buy now.
First the design is kind of awkward, and there are some occasions may not accept the people who wear them when try to something or get in some locations.
For example, Movie Theater, driving, restaurant or some clubs, people try to maintain the safety or privacy. Actually for the privacy issue, we do have some kinds of spy devices always.
The apps for it are still insufficiency.
Others will very curious about the glass, and you will be bothered a lot.

On the other hand, for Developers, Science, Photographers/Artists, or Explorers this Glass is a remarkably cool technology.
Its portability is one of the benefits. You can interact with people and environments in a totally different

frozen vs. fresh

What’s the different between frozen food and fresh food?
Especially for the seafood, I’ll say the frozen ones always cheaper, not fresher (of course). And the texture is tougher and dry, so if you could try the fresh ones.


I have chronic sinusitis and I seems be cured overnight.
The other day night I have a very extraordinary dream. In that dream right before I wake up, it feels like there is something, a tiny ball or a worm came out of the back of my neck with huge noises.
I was once diagnosing as Deviated Nasal Septum when I was young. That is probably how I get cold easily.

Monday, April 14, 2014

1 thessalonians 5:16-18

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
New International Version (NIV)
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Those are wonderful verses; it's easy to say then do especial when you are in tough situations.

Bible, the book of wisdom, which is also I need the most.

total lunar eclipse april 14,2014

Total lunar eclipse, it was 30 years ago, when I first saw it. I was at college 3rd floor doom alone in the midnight watching the whole course. It must be a weekend or holiday, all my roommates were not in. it lasts couple of hours. I can still remember clearly myself that night sitting on the desk against the window. That is an awesome natural phenomenon. 
June 11, 1983 Total Lunar Eclipse, I’m not sure is this the one that I saw.
Since then I haven't get any chance to view it, I should to see it tonight with kids. But it's so late at night; the kids need to get up early in the morning for the school.

A total lunar eclipse takes place on 15 April 2014(eastern coast time). It is the first in a tetrad (four total lunar eclipses in series). Subsequent eclipses in the tetrad are 8 October 20144 April 2015, and 28 September 2015. Miss those; you'll have to wait until 2032.

This is an awesome experience to view the whole process of the total lunar eclipse last late night around 11:58 pm through the early morning the second day around 12:05am. The kids get tired and didn’t get to observe the whole thing.
The moon begin with the thin halo around it, around 1/3 of the eclipse the halo become bigger like a background of the moon, when it pass half way of the eclipse the halo disappear and the moon’s shadow become light dark brown red color. That’s why they call it a blood moon for the total lunar eclipse. I as a lunar eclipse stargazer was mesmerized as red hue lights up in the clear blue sky. Total lunar occurs when the Earth spins between the sun and the moon. And it is red “due to sunlight scattered through the earth’s atmosphere,” which reflects off the surface of the moon.


Back to around 30 years ago when I first saw the lunar eclipse, I was single, young and sweet and an atheist. I believe in nothing and nobody but myself. I believe I can reach any goal by efforts.
After 30 years later I am still single but with 2 loving kids, I am older but sweeter, and I am a Christian. I trust in God. And I know by myself not everything is possible to be accomplished, for example kick a certain bad habit or establish a good habit.
Through 14 April, 2014, the natural occurrence only affirms me more about our creator, our Lord. The stars in the sky, they are twinkling at me, it’s like they coming alive and talk with me. Even I’m alone but I don’t feel lonely at all.
And there are 3 amazing songs that playing inside my head.

Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

恩典的記號Marks of Grace
Only to find oneself is rather small when standing at the sea
Climbing up to the highest mountain only to find how high is the sky
The vastness of the universe, I’m really insignificant
Like dust disappeared and nobody will realize it
Night sky, the stars seemed to smile at me
Tell me softly that Him have seen everything
All my struggled, all weak and fails
Will become the marks of grace

When I cried out to the Lord He hears me
Among millions of people He actually care about my needs
There is laughter and tears as I walk through my life
All have left the Lord's marks of grace
During the storm Jesus embraces me
I know perfectly well that I can always rely on Him
There is laughter and tears as I walk through my life
All will become the marks of grace

有一天One Day
One day, you may feel discourage
One day, you may really want to give up
One day, you may feel unloved
One day, you may seem at the end
At that day, you must cheer yourself up
At that day, you have to cherish yourself
At that day, do not forget someone loves you
At that day, do not give up easily
There really is a God
His hands are eager to embrace you
He loves you, He is willing to help you
In a big crowd, though you may feel lonely
His loves can warm the colds
There really is a God
His hands are eager to embrace you
Accompany you through the long night,
He loves you all your life through