Monday, August 8, 2016

waist sprain / tendinitis

Story number one. Last Saturday, we, me and my kids, came across with church friends at superstore, mother and son, with short conversation and said that both of them were sprain the waists, and I, coincidence also sprain mine, couple days before, so I quickly show her an easy way to ease her pain.

Story number two. It’s 2 weeks ago, one of the church friend’s dad has a swollen of wrist, who has dementia for years and live in a nursing home, she take him to church every Sundays and we all concern and worry about him. But won’t be able to figure out what and how or why it happened, for his dad, won’t remember anything. Then a doctor at church, take a look for him and tell them, its tendinitis and such.

The past Saturday, I notice that there’s minor feeling of pain on my elbow, I didn’t pay much attention about it, thought that maybe just a twist or something while I was sleeping, so it should be gone in no time.

The second day the real pain came up, but still endurable, so I joked with my friend, whose dad has the tendinitis, now I know how your dad felt like with his wrist. 

Later on, the pain worsen that I couldn’t bend my right arm. And I can tell there’s a little swollen and feel warm on my elbow area.

When I went home, I tried to rest my elbow as much as possible and apply ice packs to the painful area for as long as I can.

One thing that I have to repent that I felt so uncomfortable, therefore, I yelled at kids, of course they did something wrong but not that terrible if I’m not in pain.

Truly, when your kids done wrong, in most case, either you didn’t teach them well or you probably done too much for them, so they don’t have much chance to learn their own lesson. In yesterday's case, baking cookies for today's potluck. They burned some of the cookie dough, hope that we all learn our lesson from this incident.

Yesterday, when I drove and needed to either change the shift or pull up the hand brake to park, literally, I have to have my left arm to help myself out.  Poor me!

And don't need to mention that when took off or put on clothes, that's a big but a silent ow! 

Now, I’m 99% recovered, can you image, how hard that I prayed last night before went to sleep, I pray, Lord, I don't need a doctor, it's only You can heal me, and don't just heal me, but teach me and fight with me, whenever I need.

So far, I have no clue how is this tendinitis happened?

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