Wednesday, January 28, 2015

young & sweet

ABBA - Dancing Queen

Have you ever recalled when you were young or when you see a young one, you wonder that no matter how we or they dress or how the hair style, even when the hair is sort of in a mess, still look so beautiful and charming and nature.

People say time is the only fair thing that God gives everyone. We all only have 24 hours for a day. We all will get old day by day. Though so are faster and some are slower.

When I was young, I never thought that it is necessary that I should take especially care of my health or beauty. I never worry about there will be one more gray hair or wrinkle appears.

As aging, I start to worry for the young, how come they don’t take good care of themselves?
I start to get more interest in any kind of health tips that I can get.

2 days ago, I decided to try to use Aloe Vera to see if that work on my beauty, hair and skin look. One of my friends gives a plant of it, so I can have endless supply for it. And she tells me, "let me know the result". I’m hoping that she will see the difference in the near future of me instead hear from me.

Oh! I get to search from the web for more information on the benefits and usages for Aloe Vera. Let’s wait and see.

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