Saturday, January 19, 2019

Smoothie , delicious colorful drinks

Do you drink your smoothie or eat your smoothie?

For most of you, without thinking, must be drinking, right?

What else it can be!?

If it's for myself, sometimes, I will have all the ingredients, fruits, milk, yogurts and more individually.

Why? Because I'm lazy, and besides, I love fruits, I always joke that I have a separate space for fruits same thing as for sweets even when I am full.

Why bother to blend them, and, do the extra cleaning afterward?

But if it's someone, like my kids, are even lazier to eat the fruits without someone's reminder or pushing.

I will make the smoothies for them, even it can be tedious, yes, I do so.

Also, it's the best time for me, again, blend in some tiny little bit of secret ingredients that they won't enjoy having them alone, stuffs like plain yogurt, pineapple, dragon fruit, flax seed powder etc.

And this just gives me an idea, next time, for our small group gatherings, I should have the make-on-site-smoothies for them.

Lastly, I should admit that making the smoothies can be joyful too; to see someone you love consume healthy food, to practice your creativity, your imagination, your artistic, to enjoy and appreciate our creator's creations.

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