Friday, March 10, 2017


Observe, observe, the things and people around you, that's I used to tell my kids.
Where is this thought come from, one of the reason could be that I once took a free acting workshop, that's the instructor told us, the best way to learn and improve acting skill is, observation.

The other day when we ate out and I couldn’t help myself to find that the customers next to our table, they ordered 6 big plates for only 2 people, and they ate like either the food was hungrily delicious or they were starving. And I cannot tell the relationship in between, whether they are just friends, couples, relatives, business partners or whatever that is. There was very little communication during dining, they do use their phone a lot.

And there was a senior gentleman came alone and enjoyed a beer or two, he seemed a frequent customer there, and he was constantly greeting and having conversation with the waiter and waitress.

When I was little, I always wish that I can grow up fast and now whenever I saw some seniors, I thought, am I going to be like them when I get older.

But for some other particular ones, I wish I can be like them when I was old. You know, be alone and still enjoy life, live independent and such.

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