Thursday, April 13, 2017


There are 95 videos of this series of Genesis, I’m not even half way of it. 

Learned a lot, found it's not easy to understand. Why does this or that happen? Bible, is God's words, at least to me, I always has lots of questions when I read it. It also apply to our lives all the time.

This month, is our church's mission month, we have different guests speakers and topics for Chinese and English services and Sunday schools. I also found, not all but a lot of them have the bible verses from Genesis included, isn't that wonderful?

試驗、試煉、試探在希伯來文與希臘文都是同一個字。 有信心的人,通過試驗、試煉、試探,成為更堅強者,也成為別人的祝福。試驗、試煉是來自神,試探不是。
1). 善意的試驗。證明被試驗者的特質。神命令亞伯拉罕獻子為祭(創22:1 - 12)。
2). 惡意的試驗。顯露被試驗者的弱點。文士和法利賽人帶著一個行淫時被拿的婦人來,問耶穌要按照摩西在律法來處置婦人?(約8:6)。

Trial, Testing and Temptation all from the same word in Hebrew and Greek. Whoever has faith, through the Trial, Testing, or Temptation, grows into even stronger, becomes someone else's blessing.  And remember this, trials are from God, temptations are not.
1). A righteous testing, proves the characteristic of a person. God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. (Gen. 22: 1 - 12).
2). A wicked testing, reveals the weaknesses of a person. The scribes and the Pharisees brought unto Jesus a woman taken in adultery and asked, now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned? (John 8: 1 - 11).

Jesus shine brighter in darkness.

To be continue...............

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