Sunday, August 16, 2020

Day 153 - 08162020 Sunday

I want to make Taro Cake, Sesame Cake and dumpings.

How are you guys doing so far!? The year of 2020!

Doing the composting for couples of months now. Sometimes I want to give up. But thinking of how doing this can reduce the trash and give the natural fertilizer for our yard I continue. Each one of us can do our own part of saving our environment. Unfortunately, most of the people ignoring this, how sad!
Today I start something new, saving the urine as the fertilizer for the plants. At first I felt awkward doing so, but recalled when I was little I used to urinate directly in the yard. Now I am only saving them in the jar for later use. Also, I will save the water to flush it down the toilet.

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