Wednesday, September 4, 2013

grow up

I used to be a very lonesome people. I didn’t enjoy talking to others.

Then one day when I graduated form high school. I start to think that that’s not right. I should be like others, talk to them, and be friends with them. I tried my way to force myself to be friendly to others. I tried to find something in common with other people so I can communicate with them, or to be a socialable person. But I failed, I just couldn’t.

And that’s then I became angry about myself, my families, my education. Why is me so different from others. Why aren’t’ my families give the example for it. Why am I born like that? Why can I change a bit? I blame on others, why are they notice me and talk me before I can talk to them. So many questions and blames inside of me.

Just recently, I notice that I actually changed. I’m not really socialable person. But at least I don’t question anymore. I don’t blame on others. Yes! Everybody born differently, being brought up differently. In GOD’S eyes, we all are different but precocious too. GOD let us all has our own will to be different kind of person. But if you need it HE will always be there and provide the help that you need, not you want.

I start to talk to people, especially those who are alone or new from our group. Why wait others to care about you. You can care about them first. Even sometimes when I was really alone by myself in a big group, I still enjoy the solitude.

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