Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Praise dance

For our Friday fellowship gathering, usually, we have a break for the last Friday of every month. Recently, I have two thoughts come up my mind, because the kids still come to the church for their fellowship get-together that week, most of the parents drive their kids in and then left and then come back again to pick them up, so I thought why not ask them to stay and do the praise dance exercise together, this thought actually come, like couples months ago.

The other thought, is, I should try to use at least one praise dance song as the worship song, because we can sing and exercise along with it.

This time of Chinese New Year gathering, each group is going to provides 2 programs, someone remind me that I should have a praise dance as one of them. And there, both my thoughts become reality; we are planning to practice together on Friday night. Yeah!

Maybe it’ll last for only one time, but I’m satisfied with it.

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