Monday, September 12, 2016

9-16-2016 worship songs

Listen or sing along with it. Then tell me, any thought about this song.

Breathe by Jonny Diaz Lyrics

The reason that I pick this song in the first place, is because I like the beat, so lively and encouragement. As I try to sing along and learn to sing well, I realize that it's kind of too fast for me to catch up the lyrics or I should say catch my breath. What in the world? When the songwriter wrote and composed this song what is in his mind?
We all live in a world, full of the rush, rush, rush, the busy, busy, busy, and then me, me, me world. 
It's a crazy world; slow down, rest at His feet, just breathe, breathe in the peace, the hope, the love, the faith, the comfort, the healing, the Holy Spirit.

Unlike other times, when I prepare for the worship songs, I normally, have the songs that come to my mind and pick, one or two or sometimes even earlier prior to the actually worship dates, I have no clue or whatsoever, what songs that I should use for this coming Friday's fellowship gathering. 
Until this early morning when I routinely browsing the internet, I was on my Facebook page, then the thought of worrying came into my mind, should I just use those 3 English songs that I listen over and over again the past week? But it's a fellowship in Chinese, then I have another thought, maybe one of my Facebook friend will share a song that I can use, right at this second, a song, I believe, appeared on the screen from one of my friends.

I Belive 我相信 - 讚美之泉

I had already shared one English song, here's the second one.
God will love us no matter what, His love is undeniable yet unexplainable. He is the only answer.

Good Good Father [Lyrics] - Chris Tomlin

This is the song that I sang and prayed for a  wrinkled tomato typically.
近前來 Come Close - 讚美之泉敬拜讚美專輯 (21) 我要看見

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