Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Preshpet, Healthy, all natural pet food and treats made of fresh meats and veggies. No preservatives. Fresh, refrigerated dog and cat food.
great idea! but why, you are going to eat your pet fresh?

“The backseat of my Subaru is where she grew up.” the Subaru Forester commercial.

why? you guys never home?

my computer is kind of busy. but don't know what it is busy with?

A4 資料補充袋不知去向,不然明天就可以把譜裝好一邊擺攤一邊練習二胡了(((鄰居攤商表示好加在

I see a garage sale on the side of the road, one of the sale item is, doors, yes! the regular doors for the house. interesting to think why do people buy door(s), if they even own a house or two,  that doesn't matter, just make sure, after you buy door(s), go home and close the door(s), oh! make sure it's lock too.
once a social science teacher say, "if you guys come back with more than two kids, then i'll change your score into F".

"烘手機" NOT "烘!  手機" hand dryer.

It’s a misunderstanding, when people first come to Taiwan from China, after the guys finish using restroom, you see them all take out their cell phones, mad and said, “Wash hands after its right thing to do, but why dry the cell phones”

A joke for Genesis: bible divided into two sections, the old testaments and then new testaments and Genesis is the first book of old testaments. If go to a new church, and the pastor ask everyone to open the book of Genesis, but he is the one, the last one to find that chapter, then you know, that is not the church for you. Go to different church then.

when i cut the watermelon, the first cut i cry. "just cut the onion earlier? recall something sad? cut your finger?" i found the watermelon's skin is thick as my face skin. (shameless / 厚臉皮)



One day dad asks his son, “Kevin, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
Kevin answer, “I want to be a governor and get tons of money with corruption, and then get a concubine and buy bunch of brand name clothes, handbag and the like for her.”
Dad is so surprised and don’t know what to say, so he turns to his daughter, Jenny, and ask, “Jenny, what about you?”
Jenny answer, “I want to be Kevin’s concubine!”
It’s a real joke but so real too, you never know what the world impacts on your young ones.
Be ware of it and lead them to the right path.

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