Sunday, June 12, 2016


An idea comes from salsa, I have store bought garden salad (as base) + mangos + tomatoes + green seedless grapes (cut into halves) + dried pitted dates + pepper jack + homemade dressing.

Homemade dressing = olive oil + plain yogurt  + honey, put them all in a clean, dry glass bottle, cover it tightly, shake vigorously to mix them up smoothly.

Why creative? There's no fix ingredients, so, be creative, make it colorful, it's delicious, and nutritious.

Why dried dates? It's a healthy snack that my kids don't really like it, especially if you want them to eat it alone, therefore, I cut them into small pieces before throwing them into with the rest of the ingredients, not secretly this time, they all knew it and accept It.

Why pepper jack? Add proteins and some light spice to it. 

The same concept applies to smoothies, if you like it creamy, then banana and yogurt is a must; if you like it has beautiful color and good smells, don't forget the strawberries, the rest of the ingredients are in your hands, try to add different color of fruits, blueberries will add a blueish purple color to it, have an experimental fun.

Lastly, add some lemon juice for your salad or smoothie to preserve the color in a natural way and less the sweetness at the same time.

No offense to anyone or anything, I often joke with my kids about the dried pitted dates, I say it is the yummy sweetened organic cockroach. Ha-ha!

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