Thursday, June 16, 2016

尼希米記 Nehemiah 7 - 13,俄巴底亞書 Obadiah

以色列人第二次歸國 (Exile) 後十四年,尼希米帶領一班人起來重新修造耶路撒冷城牆,並且恢復失去的事奉和敬拜。一本傳記(尼希米的自傳), 也是一卷歷史書。
一、重建聖城 (1 - 7)
二、重整聖民 (Restore) (8-13)

有關以東的預言 (1)
以東的刑罰 (2-9)
懲罰以東的原因 (10 - 16)
雅各家將來的復興 (17 - 21)

問題討論 (Thoughts to ponder on)
省長尼希米和作祭司的文士以斯拉,並教訓百姓的利未人,對眾民說:今日是耶和華─你們   神的聖日,不要悲哀哭泣。這是因為眾民聽見律法書上的話都哭了;
- 蘇聯有教會沒有椅子,若是我們教會也如此,你還來參加嗎?
- 歷史書 vs. 先知書?同:傳講神的話語;異:史實 vs. 預言
- 尼希米記 & 俄巴底亞書,有無特別感動?
- 你現今與主的關係和期望?
- 週五和週日為什麼到教會? Fellowship, God's words, food?
- Do you feel joy when you come to church?
- Benefits from leading worship, bible study. Pointing finger to others, what I mean here is, to assign people sharing or answering questions.
Often times hear people say that oh I cannot do it, I have no gift on that, but if you don't try   or if you don't ask for it or if don't use it, the gifts from God for you will be gone forever for     sure, now that's sad.
Sheep Gate, Jesus is our shepherd; to shepherd sheep; Fish Gate, to feed people in need; Old Gate (Jeshanah)(古門), need revival; Valley Gate, humble ourselves to our Lord, grow the fruits of Spirit; Dung Gate(糞廠門), cleanse wrong deeds, thoughts about God and ourselves; Fountain Gate(泉門), the baptism of the Holy Spirit; Water Gate, the origins of life, God's words, for drinking and watching; Horse Gate, strong for others and obey to the Lord; East Gate, a new beginning, His star in the east; Miphkad (Inspection) Gate(米弗甲門), God has a unique purpose for each one of us, assignment, appointment or numbering; Ephraim Gate (Double Fruitfulness)(以法蓮門)Ephraim, a name of a person or tribe, provision (供應) has been given to us via the cross; Guard Gate (護衛門), ‘Not my will be done, but Thine’.
- 認罪和悔改?
- Is God asking too from us?
- 拼圖、關係。Up, side, down, (Sounds like the old song, 1980, Upside Down, but 3 words not 2 words.), and inside out.
- Love, is, not just an expression, but actions.
- Not just listen or knowing, but experiencing.
- 12 apostles, 12 gates, 12 支派, 12-year-old separate from parents, Jesus at the temple questions teachers.
You’ll find the number 12 used in 187 places in the Bible and there are some significance to this number as we will read.  The number twelve seems to be very important to God and it represents, in most cases, the number of perfection and authority.  
The number 12 is also significant, as it implies structural beginning or foundation of organization, as well as governmental perfection.
(Revelation 21:12
It had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.)

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