Thursday, June 30, 2016

I believe I can fly

For those who enjoy listening more than reading like me, feel free to visit the following link to hear me. And don't forget to scroll down to the very end of this page to read the bible verses and listen to that one song that I shared.

Last year I had testimony in Mandarin and Taiwanese (same content), and I plan to have a Cantonese one by the end of this year. Today I'm going to have a testimony in English, though I do have a short testimony in English based on my Mandarin testimony last year.

(Once upon a time, just kidding.)
That was 20 something years ago, I was not yet a Christian, I had conversations with God. Back at that time when I first came to America, my ex-husband was very into the Christian thing, he got baptized and had a great lot of services involved in church. 

I, myself was an atheist I believe in myself, if I try hard enough, I can conquer everything, I can make through anything, in other words, I believe I can fly.

One day I had a thought, why don't I asked a favor from "the God". I was married for three years with no kid yet, I was worried and anticipated eagerly to have my own child. So I had the first conversation with God, I said, "OK, God, if you are really that good, then make me a mom and then I will believe in you and go to church".

(Watch what you are wishing for.)
Guess what? Very shortly after I found that I was pregnant. By the way, at that time I was still a student so I went to the school's nurse first and ask for a pregnancy test, the result came out positive, I was shocked, I mean, I must, because the nurse asked me, "is this an unexpected pregnancy?” 

Ran home to tell the news, on the way, I had another conversation, the second one, with God, "now that that's a too short notice and I cannot just believing You this soon, how about that, God, give me some more time", yeah, I tried to negotiating with God, "You know, Asian parents always wish and want our first born, a male, a boy, right? So, OK, God, then give me a boy then I will keep my promise this time okeydokey". 

I went to every single checkup for the baby and do all kind of exams and tests including ultrasounds but never ask or thought that's necessary to know the sex of my baby until the moment came, after nine months when it was time, went to hospital, gave birth of my baby. Soon after the baby was out of me, the doctor said to me, "congratulations, it's a boy! “Again, I was shocked, I said to myself, is that really!? I meant, OMG!?

Did I keep my promise and go to church this once? Nope, I didn't, I have to say that I'm a very protective parent. That's just another excess, you can say that again. Therefore, how can I take my new born to the public? Besides, have you ever seen when people sees the babies or young kids? They pinch their cheeks, touch their hands, and kiss them, yech!

And I forgot my conversation with God until my older son was almost two years old. One day, I thought, my son and me need friends, so, let's go to church and meet some good friends.

This time we did go to church, but, remember, I'm a very protective parent. You all know that when we come to church, parents go to their own adult service and the kids go to either nursery or children Sunday school or youth service. I have to say aloud again that I'm a very protective parent, soon as I sent my son to the nursery, I decide to stay to protect him, and I stayed with him until the lunch time that means the service is over. Couple weeks passed, one of the sister must observe and cannot stand anymore, so she gently offered me the help to take my boy to the nursery for me and promised me that she will stay with him at the nursery.

That was the first time that I stayed for church service, and I was touched by the worship songs, the Holy Spirit came pouring down onto me, I was tearing non-stopping and decided to be baptized. 

For the people that you know me that I have two sons. Yes, I hope you do ask me this question, what about your second son, did you get to talk to God this time for your second child? You have a question and I have got the answer for you. This time I didn't dare to challenge Him, I pray to Him instead, the third conversation between me and God. "Oh Lord, please bless me with another child!”

Truly at that time I did really want was a girl. But later I become a single mom, so I think God must know, it's easier for me to raise two boys, instead of, one boy and one girl.

I dare to dishonor, challenge, negotiate, and break the promises with God. But still He loves me dearly, and He knows me thoroughly.

Lastly, before close my testimony, here are three bible verses and one song that I want to share with you. Don't stop believing and keep praying.
(The end)

Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Deuteronomy 32:4 "The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He.

A wonderful song to share, Remember

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