Friday, May 29, 2020

Day74 - 05292020

The church is planning to reopen soon, but I am not ready yet!

Swatted some flies, feels good!

Made the marshmallow popcorn and baked anchovy peanut.

That's what I called the motivation of workout!
So I exercise and eat and then eat and exercise.

Starting the mission impossible of mung bean sprouts this morning.

Need more prayer!
I also want to try to grow soybean sprouts. I don't want to eat the store bought sprouts!

I am at the age of forgetting things in seconds!
And then when I google it, I found this s article.
Why Do I Forget Things?
"Memory loss isn't due to your age or your gender. It's due to 'interference.'"
Since our brain is plasticity, we could train ourselves with some simple exercise to our brains.

Months ago, the grocery stores were running out of toilet paper and rice.
Now the purchase of meat is limited.
What in the world!?

Last Friday when I went grocery shopping at Aldi, one white lady cut the line while many were waiting in long line to get in the store, shame on her!

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