Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mashed Potatoes with Spinach and Cheese

I thought I was the first one to invest this recipe, when I tried to google it, there already have some!

But again, as usual, I modified it, a lot!!

I add sweet potato, only one and it turned out good.

Also have a whole bulb of garlic in it. Cook it with diced spinach beforehand.

Using heavy whip cream to moisturize it that should have enough of fat for it so I omitted the butter. 

Finally mix in whichever kind of cheese that you prefer. I used extra sharp cheddar cheese.

Then served!

A meal loaded with protein, fiber, carbohydrates and such!

Next time I should include  boiled eggs in it.

And want to give this recipe, a new name, Green Mashed Potatoes!

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